Exercices sur la radioactivité pour la classe de terminale

Exercices sur la radioactivité pour la classe de terminale. Questions d’application en Physique pour la classe de terminale. Une collection d’exercices pratiques permettant à l’étudiant de se familiariser avec des exemples de questions sur la radioactivité qu’il pourrait rencontrer à l’avenir lors d’examens. La radioactivité La radioactivité est un phénomène physique naturel au cours  duquel … Read more

The theory of radioactive decay

This short lesson note covers the theory of radioactive decay and the radioactive decay formula. We will also touch points like the activity and he half-life of radioactive decay. Radioactive decay is purely a random process. It is not possible to predict which nucleus is going to disintegrate next. Also, it should be noted that … Read more

What is radioactivity?

This short lesson notes on radioactivity isn’t a full course but a summary touching the important points. This lesson note is made to assist the student in the class of lower sixth and upper sixth. Ordinary level students can also read this to learn one or two things. Unstable atomic nuclei will spontaneously release energy … Read more

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